Image of Text: KUNGFU.AI
Starry Night background texture

A brand refresh and a resource-packed website targeting KUNGFU.AI's core audiences

The Client

KUNGFU.AI, founded in 2018, delivers bleeding-edge AI solutions that transform companies into AI-first operations. Inventive, caring, inquisitive, open, and trustworthy—KUNGFU’s values guide the company’s culture and how it interacts with its clients and the world.

Since 2018, KUNGFU has grown to include more than 30 team members and its client base includes companies in healthcare, retail, financial services, and the public sector among others. KUNGFU prides itself in its AI for Good initiatives that are focused on leveraging the power of AI to create positive outcomes for humanity.

Originally a direct client of Ashandelle’s Founder, Chat Clussman, who did the initial branding and website for KUNGFU.AI. The two companies have been partners ever since, with Ashandelle serving as KUNGFU.AI’s “in-house” creative team.

Brand Attributes

KUNGFU.AI’s values were central to our brand sprint and our visual refresh of the brand. As we iterated the color palette, shapes, and iconography through stylescape exploration, we returned to KUNGFU’s guiding principles.

Expert, divergent, friendly. KUNGFU leans toward a young and innovative tone rather than a mature and classic one, and this drove us to explore boldness and warmth through type and design.

Brand sprint personality spectrum

Brand sprint personality spectrum

The Brand Sprint

Kungfu Guiding Principles
Brand sprint the why

Layers to the Story

Through stylescapes we landed on a distinct illustration style for KUNGFU that has a high-tech collage feel. Layering styled data visualizations, strong photography, and inventive motion design tells a story that’s uniquely KUNGFU.

Healthcare illustration
Case study slider with a car
Kungfu case study slider with hero graphic

Color Me Warm and Innovative

KUNGFU prioritizes being warm and relatable over corporate or cold.

We expanded KUNGFU’s color palette to compliment the brand’s dominant red and fuchsia. The supporting colors offer a vibrance that reinforces a warm and relatable voice while also feeling innovative and technology driven.

The palette makes space for the full spectrum of KUNGFU’s voice—vibrant, saturated colors deliver bold marketing materials and the brand’s deep navy and muted neutrals support considered, informational presentations with ease.

Color palette 1Color palette 3
Color palette 2


Coco Gothic is similar to the first geometric sans typefaces like Futura, Kabel, or Semplicità. The slight rounding of the corners and light humanist touches to the proportions of the letters results in a unique mix that gives it a structured yet inviting feel that works as an excellent typeface for KUNGFU’s approachable and technically-proficient voice.

Kungfu font styles 1
Kungfu font types
letter forms closeup

Shapes for Rebels

KUNGFU’s trapezoidal shapes are inspired by the angles in the brand’s logomark. These shapes activate the design space and allow dynamic transitions to naturally drive the eye to visual entry points in the content.

We echo the bold and purposeful movement of these angles in the brand’s line illustrations and textural details.

Business cardsServices Illustration
Layer shape 1Layer shape 2Layer shape 3

Iconography for AI Leaders

KUNGFU excels in applying AI in innovative and practical ways and we’ve built out a library of custom iconography to align with these proficiencies.

Using a clean, simple line style, accented with KUNGFU’s primary red, we created an icon set consistent with the broader visual redesign.

Dialog Systems icon
Document AI Icon
NLP Icon
Production grade AI Icon
Trustworthy icon
Support Icon

Make It a Website

Migrating from Wordpress to a fresh Webflow build, KUNGFU’s website redesign brings in the new design elements in a fresh way that prioritized simple language and concise visuals.

We also took the site migration and redesign as an apt opportunity to create a sophisticated resource library that could be filtered by AI Solution and clearly organized through color coded labels.

Impactful AI Artboard

KUNGFU’s website is content-driven and rich with resources including case studies, demos, whitepapers, and more. From their AI for Good initiative to in-depth overviews of their process and strategy we created designs that highlight their innovative process and forward-thinking AI strategies.

AI For Good Artboard
Trio process graphic
Trio Mobile Case study
Iphone Mockups
Iphone mockups on homepage
iphone mockups 3

Having rich content only matters if your site visitors can consume it. Like all of the websites we build, KUNGFU’s new site uses a modern responsive design focused on accessibility and readability — enabling users to engage with content on any modern device or browser.

Design for Conversions

Better than just a trove of information, KUNGFU’s site is built with conversion in mind. With multiple conversion points and integration with HubSpot, the new website was ready to get to work on day one — and with integrated analytics and lead scoring, they can prove it.

Trio web mockups desktop
Engineering hero
Trio Hubspot form
Desktop artboards

Writing the Story for Ethical AI

KUNGFU is turning the conversation about AI away from fear, hype, and skepticism to one of optimism, empathy, and social impact.

Rooted in strategic SEO research, our copywriters and editors help tell this story with blog and website copy that is concise, simple, and focused on reinforcing KUNGFU’s leadership as an AI company dedicated to the ethical application of innovative technology.

Christian Barnard
I can't thank Ashandelle enough for their hard work and dedication to our project. They exceeded our expectations in every way and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for website design services. Thank you Ashandelle!
Christian Barnard
Chief Growth Officer

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We are the in-house creative team for the startups we work with. That means that the big projects—the branding and the websites—are just the beginning.